Slowly Slowly

Slowly Slowly Reveal New Single “Nothing On”

8. February 2022 lostandfading 0

“Nothing On” is accessible from all angles and sees Slowly Slowly expertly strike the balance between frivolity and depth. Listeners on the outskirts of the band’s world will be drawn in by its dance and pop-esque sensibilities; meanwhile, faithful Slowly Slowly listeners will equally notice this tune’s heartache-tinged qualities and the depth of its storytelling.

Hollow Front Band


5. February 2022 lostandfading 0

Hollow Front vocalist Tyler Tate shares that “Comatose” is ultimately about battling against depression while living in the hopeless, nightmarish world situation of the pandemic. Specifically, the song explores him being left with a comatose-like feeling after having live music, life purpose, and meaning ripped from underneath him due to restrictions.