Of Mice And Men Tether

Review: Of Mice And Men – Tether

6. October 2023 Sebastian Wittag 0

OF MICE & MEN, following up on their 2021 release “Echo,” have returned with a resounding impact. Often, when a band reaches their eighth album, there’s a risk of them becoming stagnant, overstaying their welcome, and losing their original essence. “Tether,” however, tells a different story. The band is as ferocious as ever, delivering a sonic assault on the senses. From their involvement in mixing and producing the record to crafting the album cover, every band member has invested their blood, sweat, and tears into this project, resulting in outstanding outcomes.

Miss May I

Miss May I – Apologies Are For The Weak

30. September 2023 Sebastian Wittag 0

Rise Records can be relied upon. Nowadays, it doesn’t matter which band from this label is spinning on the turntable; most of them seem to suffer from a startling lack of identity. This seems to be a common issue with almost all American Christian core bands, where complete assimilation appears to be the norm. If we are all equal before God, why bother putting effort into composing music?

We Came As Romans

We Came As Romans – To Plant A Seed

30. September 2023 Sebastian Wittag 0

The debut album from metalcore newcomers, We Came As Romans, presents an intriguing dynamic where its standout moments occur when the band veers away from typical metalcore conventions. While the album, ‘To Plant A Seed,’ delivers the expected blend of heavy and clean vocals characteristic of the genre, the band’s true potential shines through in the non-metalcore elements. These subtle departures, such as the programmed piano introduction in ‘Broken Statues’ or the striking string arrangement in ‘We Are The Reasons,’ hint at the band’s capacity to innovate within the genre, even though the majority of the album adheres to the established metalcore formula.

The Devil Wears Prada

The Devil Wears Prada – With Roots Above And Branches Below

30. September 2023 Sebastian Wittag 0

Setting aside any contentious debates about the band’s faith and style, The Devil Wears Prada, a six-piece outfit hailing from Ohio, demonstrates their ability to craft a compelling album with their third studio release, titled ‘With Roots Above and Branches Below.’ This album serves as both a declaration of their intent to delve deeper into a heavier sound and a testament to their steady rise within the metalcore scene.

Koyo Would You Miss It

KOYO – Would You Miss It?

29. September 2023 lostandfading 0

American post-hardcore bands have consistently excelled in crafting guitar riffs that elicit powerful emotional responses. The debut album by KOYO, a fresh addition to the Long Island music scene, demonstrates this skill right from the outset. Without uttering a single word, “51st State” conjures a blend of euphoria and sorrow. As the vocals kick in, the emotional impact intensifies. It’s akin to standing on a beach, witnessing the most breathtaking sunset of your life, all while grappling with the loss of your closest friend. KOYO masterfully encapsulates this intricate mixture of sadness, nostalgia, and hope in their songs.

Lamb Of God

Lamb Of God – Omens

16. October 2022 lostandfading 0

Lamb Of God are back with “Omens” and with it their already ninth studio album. The riff masters from Virginia prove again on this work why they have earned this name. Lamb of God has always stood for straight and well-made metal. After two years of pandemic Lamb Of God present their successor to their self-titled album “Lamb Of God” released in 2020.

TDWP Color Decay

The Devil Wears Prada – Color Decay

15. October 2022 lostandfading 0

The new album “Color Decay” by The Devil Wears Prada is another step into the adult songwriting of the band and shows once more what the band is capable of. For a long time TDWP is no longer a pure metalcore band, even if they always stay true to their origin in the core. Their sound today is rocking, melancholic, aggressive and sometimes all that in just one song. A multi-faceted band that has proven itself once again.

We Came As Romans Darkbloom

We Came As Romans – Darkbloom

15. October 2022 lostandfading 0

We Came As Romans stand for good metalcore since their foundation and at the latest since their self-titled album “We Came As Romans” (2015) they have found their new sound. Last Friday their latest record “Darkbloom” was released via Sharptone. It is the first album without their former singer Kyle Pavone, who sadly passed away in August 2018.

Lorna Shore

Lorna Shore – Pain Remains

15. October 2022 lostandfading 0

Lorna Shore once again prove their insane abilities on their instruments with “Pain Remains” and push it a bit further. The orchestration and symphonic overlays give the new album yet another level of heaviness, emotionality and savvy that you won’t find in any other band of their guild.