For The Fallen Dreams

For The Fallen Dreams share “No Heaven” video

21. October 2022 lostandfading 0

“‘No Heaven’ is one of the first tracks that came to the table for the new material,” says vocalist Chad Ruhlig. “Experimenting with something this outside of the box for us so early on in the writing process kept us motivated to stay the course. To have this one out into the world is a great feeling. We hope you all enjoy listening to it as much we did creating it.”

Chelsea Grin

Chelsea Grin share “Forever Bloom” video

21. October 2022 lostandfading 0

“‘Forever Bloom’ is a fast-paced song with a whimsical edge to it, paying homage to some of our metal roots,” says guitarist Stephen Rutishauser. “The video accompaniment should let you know that it isn’t all evil and darkness in the world of metal. Of course, we were very grateful to have our friend Trevor feature on this song — RIP to a legend.”

Make Them Suffer

Make Them Suffer share “Doomswitch” video

16. October 2022 lostandfading 0

“Doomswitch’ is a term coined by online poker players used to describe a hypothesized mechanism by which an online poker site will continually infer bad luck onto a player,” reveals the band about this new single. “Sean related to this term and, at the time, it felt as if a ‘Doomswitch’ had flicked on his life, so we used the concept as the main inspiration for the song. We’ve adopted a new element into our sound along with the inclusion of a new member: Alex. This song marks a new chapter and the next step forward for the band and the sonic shift in ‘Doomswitch’ really drives that home.”

Fit For A King

Fit For A King share new video “Times Like This”

16. October 2022 lostandfading 0

The song features The Ghost Inside’s Jonathan Vigil. “‘Times Like This’ is about how as a society, we have accepted misinformation as a part of life, and in some cases, even embraced it” says singer Ryan Kirby. “Those in power keep us at each other’s throats using these tactics, and when we rise above the noise, we can finally give the throne back to the many — not the few”.